YellowBird Wedding

because simple is beautiful

You know what I love? A morning wedding! So I was thrilled on October 20th to find myself, at 11:00am, at the Commissioner’s Cabin in Chestnut Ridge. If you haven’t discovered this place yet, you are missing out! It’s the coziest cabin, with a roaring fire, a perfect sized kitchen, room for tables and guests …

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My second wedding on April 27th was very different from the first, but just as lovely. McKenzie and Joe wanted to keep things very simple for the ceremony, so they elected to have it at the Chestnut Ridge Park Casino, which I’m not even sure is open to the public yet! They brought an alter …

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It was chilly on rainy on April 20th, but you wouldn’t have known it inside the Commissioners Cabin at Chestnut Ridge Park. That was just full of warmth and delicious food smells, laughs and conversation, and it couldn’t have felt more comfortable. I found Edward outside setting up some decorations and his unity candle ceremony. …

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This fall has been unbelievable. And you couldn’t be any happier if September was the month you chose to have your outdoor wedding. It’s always a gamble in New York, but on September 27th, it was truly a perfect day. After leaving my first wedding, I headed to Chestnut Ridge to their perfect little casino to share in …

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This is the place to get married! I fell in love with the Commissioner’s Cabin at Chestnut Ridge, and it was the perfect day for a fall wedding, and for Taryn and Dan. October 7th may have been a chilly day, but you wouldn’t know it in their beautiful cabin with a roaring fire. Not …

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