YellowBird Wedding

because simple is beautiful

I really can’t believe it. To end my season with my 500th wedding! I never could have guessed back in 2008 when I married some friends of mine, that I would end up doing this most weekends for years and years! But here we are and I’m honored to have shared in some of the …

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October 8th was being a very cheeky fall day. While it could not have looked any more beautiful at Knox Farm State Park for Alex and Eric’s wedding…it could have been warmer. Outdoor weddings are always so beautiful and my heart breaks a bit when it’s chilly out. It was still a wonderful day, but …

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October 16th was a perfect fall day at Notting Hill Farm and I just knew the excitement Cassie and Zach would be feeling! When I found Cassie looking beautiful, she was a bit nervous, ready to get things going (so that the attention would be off of her soon enough), and Zach was hanging out …

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September 25th had me worried because it was on and off rain all day. I didn’t want anything to spoil Evelyn and Marcel’s big day at Hoyt Lake and The Terrace, and luckily, it all worked out! The rain held up for such an adorable couple! When I arrived Marcel was organizing every last detail, …

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I love weddings at peoples homes. They are so intimate and lovely, and to have one on New Year’s Eve seems like the PERFECT way to celebrate a new year. So on December 31st, I found myself at Rickell and Anthony’s home, full of children, friends, family, and 3 adorable kittens as we prepared to …

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July 20th was a perfect summer day, and I mostly knew this because at the Avanti Mansion, Larry kept telling me it was a perfect summer day! He was so excited for how lovely a day it was for Britnie and himself, and his energy was contagious. I checked in with the couple when I …

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Ok. I can’t talk about June 15th without talking about the rain. The light sprinkling that turned into terrential downpour! And at the Avanti Mansion, I could feel Leah’s nerves as she looked out the window at her outdoor ceremony and began to fret. At first we thought we could still do it outside. Maybe …

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August 18th was stunning. Windy as all heck, but gorgeous none the less. Especially at Woodcliff Hotel and Spa in Fairport. The view was unbelievable! I don’t know how you people continue to find these beautiful and unique spots to get married. I’m constantly amazed! When I arrived I found Kelly in her stunning suite, …

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We get through the driest summer ever, and now all my fall couples are sweating bullets because every day seems to call for rain! But I’ve said it before, I have a perfect record for 2016 of it raining before the ceremony, but stopping with enough time to dry the seat and have the ceremony. …

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A beautiful day spent at Becker Farms, is a wonderful day. A beautiful day spent at Becker Farms with Kim and Angelo (not to mention Ayres Photography) is a perfect day! The sun was shining as Angelo, his best man, and myself stood in the grape vineyards waiting for the big moment to begin. The …

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