YellowBird Wedding

because simple is beautiful

I love weddings at Pearl at the Webb. It’s a beautiful space and I feel that they get a lot of Buffalove weddings. And that was the case on April 29th for Trisha and Tony’s wedding! Bills paraphernalia? ✔ A dog in the ceremony? ✔ A happy and loving couple? ✔ Buffalo weddings rule! I …

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So winter is hanging on for dear life, but you wouldn’t have found anyone who cared at The Webb on March 3rd for Michelle and Matt’s wedding. I think not only were the guests happy to share the day with Michelle and Matt, but everyone is going stir crazy and couldn’t wait to get out …

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October 6th was a rainy day. BUT that’s a perfect way for a wedding day to be if you happened to meet in the rain. So I’m pretty sure it was raining just for Kelly and Scott at The Pearl at the Webb. You could tell it sure didn’t bother them! Scott was greeting guests …

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Remember remember the 5th of November. I can tell you in all certainty, that Nikole and Bryan will surely do just that! At The Webb, in a gorgeous brick room, their guests gathered on an unseasonably warm and beautiful day to watch Nikole and Bryan share their vows and become husband and wife. They both seemed …

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