YellowBird Wedding

because simple is beautiful

I found myself at one of my favorite venues on July 31st, O’Brien’s Sleepy Hollow for Lauren and Max’s wedding. It started off with a bang as the D.J. was an old friend from high school, and just got better and better from that point on. Lauren looked amazing, even though she was feeling nervous …

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June 5th was a stunning day at O’Brien’s Sleepy Hollow. I can honestly say only Holly and Justin could get me to miss the Gay Pride Parade and instead hang out with them! But it was worth it to see these two people, who love each other so much, share such a beautiful moment. It …

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O’Brien’s Sleepy Hollow is one of my favorite wedding spots, so I was thrilled to be there on June 23rd, a gorgeous summer day, with two self-proclaimed Harry Potter loving nerds, just like myself! Adara and Matthew are an adorable couple and I was so happy to spend their wedding ceremony with them. The place …

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We get through the driest summer ever, and now all my fall couples are sweating bullets because every day seems to call for rain! But I’ve said it before, I have a perfect record for 2016 of it raining before the ceremony, but stopping with enough time to dry the seat and have the ceremony. …

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I love marrying people I know. And on August 19th, at O’Brien’s Sleepy Hollow, I was able to marry someone I’ve know since I was a little girl. Hilary and I haven’t kept in touch over the years, but our dad’s are best buds, so when we were young we saw each other all the …

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There are people in this world that as soon as you meet them, you really like them. That’s how I felt when I first met Rachel and Sean, and by the time their wedding came around on June 17th at O’Brien’s Sleepy Hollow, I felt like they were old pals. A super fun loving couple, …

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Saturday June 15th was a beautiful day. Not too hot, not too cold, and when you’re standing near a small stream with trees swaying in the background, it couldn’t have felt any better. O’Brien’s Sleepy Hollow in East Aurora is amazing. I felt like I was walking into a wedding on a movie set! I …

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